Friday, August 6, 2010

Latest Hairstyles

Latest Hairstyles-Celebrity Choice

Celebrities make the fashion statements and the rest of the world follows them. With seasons, their hairstyles too go in for a change. They turn from curls to straight, fringes to bangs and from curls to bobs. They in turn make the fashion followers go crazy.

Latest Hairstyle-Haircuts: Natalie Imbruglia

In the earlier days of Hollywood, it was Marilyn Monroe, who so beautifully carried her blunt hair. Everyone was shocked to see Natalie Imbruglia shift from long red hair to a dark short bob. Angelina Jolie too changed her hair color to light brown mixed with a tinge of red.

Latest Hairstyle-Haircuts: Angelina Jolie

Victoria Beckham and Rihanna sport almost the same bob cut which embraces their faces. Gail o’ Grady is the one celebrity whose hair has seen a complete revolution. She is known for changing her styles every now and then. May it be curls, straight or bobs, she has sported them all and with much ardor.

Latest Hairstyle-Haircuts: Johnny Deep

Tom cruise, Brad Pitt, Nick Carter, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp and Jude Law make the ladies fall in love with them whenever they go for a makeover. he celebrities have inspired many women to chop off their hair and get a bob. Styles will change everyday but will never fail to impress us

Latest Hairstyle-Haircuts: Brad Pitt

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